Texture Viewer
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Texture Class Reference

Texture is a hardware-independent container for a pixel data. More...


class  ArrayIndex
 Helper class used in Texture::imageData() function. More...
class  ArraySize
 Helper class used in Texture constructors. More...
class  Size
 Helper class used in Texture constructors. More...

Public Types

enum  Side {
  Side::PositiveX = 0, Side::NegativeX = 1, Side::PositiveY = 2, Side::NegativeY = 3,
  Side::PositiveZ = 4, Side::NegativeZ = 5
enum  Alignment { Alignment::Byte = 1, Alignment::Word = 4 }
enum  IsCubemap { IsCubemap::No = 0, IsCubemap::Yes }
using Data = gsl::span< uchar >
using ConstData = gsl::span< const uchar >

Public Member Functions

 Texture () noexcept
 Constructs a null texture. More...
 Texture (const Texture &other)
 Constructs a shallow copy of the other texture.
 Texture (Texture &&other) noexcept
 Move-constructs a Texture instance with the given other Texture.
 Texture (const QString &file)
 Constructs a Texture instance with the contents of the file. More...
 Texture (QStringView file)
 Constructs a Texture instance with the contents of the file. More...
 Texture (const QImage &image)
 Constructs a Texture instance with the contents of the image. More...
 Texture (TextureFormat format, Size size, ArraySize dimensions={1, 1}, Alignment align=Alignment::Byte)
 Constructs a Texture instance with the given format, size, dimensions and align. More...
 Texture (Data data, TextureFormat format, Size size, ArraySize dimensions={1, 1}, Alignment align=Alignment::Byte)
 Constructs a Texture instance with the given data, format, size, dimensions and align. More...
 Texture (Data data, DataDeleter deleter, TextureFormat format, Size size, ArraySize dimensions={1, 1}, Alignment align=Alignment::Byte)
 Constructs a Texture instance with the given data, deleter, format, size, dimensions and align. More...
 ~Texture ()
 Destroys the Texture instance.
Textureoperator= (const Texture &other)
 Assigns a shallow copy of the given other texture to this texture and returns a reference to this texture.
Textureoperator= (Texture &&other) noexcept
 Move-assigns other to this Texture instance.
bool isNull () const
 Returns true if this instance is a null texture. More...
TextureFormat format () const
 Returns the format of the texture.
Alignment alignment () const
 Returns the alignment of the texture data. More...
bool isCompressed () const
 Returns true if the texture has one of the compressed formats.
int width () const
 Returns the width of the biggest mipmap.
int width (int level) const
 Returns the width of the mipmap at the given level.
int height () const
 Returns the height of the biggest mipmap.
int height (int level) const
 Returns the height of the mipmap at the given level.
int depth () const
 Returns the depth of the biggest mipmap.
int depth (int level) const
 Returns the depth of the mipmap at the given level.
Size size () const
 Returns the width, height and depth of the biggest mipmap packed in a Texture::Size object.
Size size (int level) const
 Returns the width, height and depth of the mipmap at the given level packed in a Texture::Size object.
int faces () const
 Returns the faces count.
int levels () const
 Returns the levels count.
int layers () const
 Returns the layers count.
ArraySize arraySize () const
 Returns the texture dimensions.
qsizetype bytes () const
 Returns the total size of the texture data in bytes.
qsizetype bitsPerTexel () const
 Returns the amount of bits per one texel (texture pixel).
qsizetype bytesPerLine (int level=0) const
 Returns the amount of bytes per line of the mipmap at the given level.
qsizetype bytesPerSlice (int level=0) const
 Returns the amount of bytes per slice of the mipmap at the given level.
qsizetype bytesPerImage (int level=0) const
 Returns the amount of bytes used by the whole mipmap at the given level.
Data imageData (ArrayIndex index)
 Returns the data of the image at the given index.
ConstData imageData (ArrayIndex index) const
 Returns the constant data of the image at the given index.
ConstData constImageData (ArrayIndex index) const
 Returns the constant data of the image at the given index.
Texture convert (Alignment align) const
 Converts this texture to a texture with the given alignment. More...
Texture convert (TextureFormat format) const
 Converts this texture to a texture with the given format. More...
Texture convert (TextureFormat format, Alignment align) const
 Converts this texture to a texture with the given format and align.
Texture copy () const
 Performs a deep-copying of this texture.
QImage toImage () const
 Converts this texture to a QImage.
TextureIOResult save (const QString &file)
 Saves this texture to the given file.
TextureIOResult load (const QString &file)
 Loads a texture from the given file.

Static Public Member Functions

static qsizetype calculateBytesPerLine (TextureFormat format, int width, Alignment align=Alignment::Byte)
 Calculates an amount of bytes required for the line of the given format, width and align.
static qsizetype calculateBytesPerSlice (TextureFormat format, int width, int height, Alignment align=Alignment::Byte)
 Calculates an amount of bytes required for the slice of the given format, width and align.

Detailed Description

Texture is a hardware-independent container for a pixel data.

Unlike QOpenGLTexture, Texture is a simple storage (an array of bytes) and is not tied to any specific API. However, it can be converted to QOpenGLTexture via Utils::makeOpenGLTexture() function.

Texture is a multi-dimentional array of "images" (which can be 1d, 2d or 3d). There are 3 dimentions - levels (for mimpamps), layers (for texture arrays) and faces (for faces of the cubemap).

Helper classes are used to simplify Texture construction - the sizes are packed in a Texture::Size (so you can create 1d, 2d or 3d Texture instances without 3 overloads for each type) and texture dimensions are packed in an Texture::ArraySize (so you can create mipmaped textures, texture array and/or cubemaps).

Texture provides access to the internal data via data() and imageData() functions.

For cubemaps, width should be same as height and depth should be equal to 1.
For 3d textures, arrays are not supported as no format does so.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ConstData

Type alias for a gsl::span<const uchar>

A view to a constant data.

◆ Data

Type alias for a gsl::span<uchar>

A view to a mutable data.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Alignment

enum Texture::Alignment

This enum describes texture data alignment


One byte alignment


Four byte alignment

◆ IsCubemap

enum Texture::IsCubemap

This enum is a simply strict bool used to prevent using unnamed bools


Aka false


Aka true

◆ Side

enum Texture::Side

This enum describes possible sides of a cubemap.


Positive X side


Negative X side


Positive Y side


Negative Y side


Positive Z side


Negative Z side

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Texture() [1/7]

Texture::Texture ( )

Constructs a null texture.

See also

◆ Texture() [2/7]

Texture::Texture ( const QString &  file)

Constructs a Texture instance with the contents of the file.

In case of an error, a null texture is constructed and error is logged to the stderr.

See also

◆ Texture() [3/7]

Texture::Texture ( QStringView  file)

Constructs a Texture instance with the contents of the file.

In case of an error, a null texture is constructed and error is logged to the stderr.

See also

◆ Texture() [4/7]

Texture::Texture ( const QImage &  image)

Constructs a Texture instance with the contents of the image.

An image is converted to a single 2D texture with no mipmaps.

If image has aplha, the constucted texture will have TextureFormat::RGBA8_Unorm format.

If image has no aplha, the constucted texture will have TextureFormat::RGB8_Unorm format.

Currently, only images with QImage::Format_ARGB32 or QImage::Format_RGB888 are supported. In other cases, null texture is constructed.
See also

◆ Texture() [5/7]

Texture::Texture ( TextureFormat  format,
Size  size,
ArraySize  dimensions = {1, 1},
Texture::Alignment  align = Alignment::Byte 

Constructs a Texture instance with the given format, size, dimensions and align.

Passing invalid parameters leads to construction of a null texture; an exact error is logged to stderr. Invalid parameters are sizes less than zero, or too big to fit whole texture in memory.

See also

◆ Texture() [6/7]

Texture::Texture ( Data  data,
TextureFormat  format,
Size  size,
ArraySize  dimensions = {1, 1},
Texture::Alignment  align = Alignment::Byte 

Constructs a Texture instance with the given data, format, size, dimensions and align.

Passing invalid parameters leads to construction of a null texture; an exact error is logged to stderr. Invalid parameters are sizes less than zero, or too big to fit whole texture in memory.

This constructor doesn't allocate memory but instead uses the given data. Data must have the size matching given parameters.

The default destructor (i.e. delete [] data) is used for cleaning the data.

See also

◆ Texture() [7/7]

Texture::Texture ( Data  data,
Texture::DataDeleter  deleter,
TextureFormat  format,
Size  size,
ArraySize  dimensions = {1, 1},
Texture::Alignment  align = Alignment::Byte 

Constructs a Texture instance with the given data, deleter, format, size, dimensions and align.

Passing invalid parameters leads to construction of a null texture; an exact error is logged to stderr. Invalid parameters are sizes less than zero, or too big to fit whole texture in memory.

This constructor doesn't allocate memory but instead uses the given data. Data must have the size matching given parameters.

The deleter is used for cleaning the data. You can pass an empty function to prevent data from cleaning. This trick can be used to implement sharing of the data between different Texture instances.

See also

Member Function Documentation

◆ alignment()

Texture::Alignment Texture::alignment ( ) const

Returns the alignment of the texture data.

The data can have different alignment meaning that each line of the data is aligned to a specific boundary.

◆ convert() [1/2]

Texture Texture::convert ( Texture::Alignment  align) const

Converts this texture to a texture with the given alignment.

The format of the resulting texture is the same as the format of this texture.

◆ convert() [2/2]

Texture Texture::convert ( TextureFormat  format) const

Converts this texture to a texture with the given format.

The alignment of the resulting texture is the same as the alignment of this texture.

◆ isNull()

bool Texture::isNull ( ) const

Returns true if this instance is a null texture.

Null texture has no allocated data and all properties are null